Friday 3 June 2011

The birds are singing!

I have had a wonderful day! The weather is beautiful, not too hot, not too cold and a beautiful sun shining down, letting us see the beauty in the world that surrounds us. I was also able to be a part of some great professional development and meet some great new people today. Meeting new people and making new friends is one of life's simple pleasures if you ask me. I'm also very excited for the work that lies ahead of me in my professional life.

On top of all this I have a lovely massage with and amazing RMT soon. I also have plans to watch 1981, a French film, with a close friend this evening.

I hope everyone is having a good day too. It's the good days we have to celebrate and cherish.

Thursday 2 June 2011

New glasses, new outlook

I got my new glasses after work today. It's funny how much a new pair of glasses can do for someone. It was beautiful out and I could see everything so clearly! Okay, time to get to more work!

Tuesday 31 May 2011

I got the keys...

I got the keys to my new apartment today! I love it but I still have some anxiety about the whole moving process. I'll be fine but I think it's just natural. I have the movers booked and I have this place for another month so I can slowly move my stuff over. You know how they say "You can't buy time", well I think I just did. Well I've got to get packing!

Monday 30 May 2011

25 things I learned before age 25

I recently turned 25 and I thought it would be fun to make a list of 25 things (life lessons) I’ve learned until now.

  1. Do not stick your hand in the VCR it always ends badly.
  2. Don’t be lazy-do the job right the first time. You just end up doing double the work in the long run.
  3. It’s really nice to have a clean apartment.
  4. Life isn’t always easy sometimes it’s hard, really hard.
  5. Best hangover cure: don’t get drunk.
  6. If you eat crappy food you’ll feel like crap.
  7. Don’t take things or people for granted.
  8. Always trust your instincts.
  9. Dance whenever you hear a good beat.
  10. Don’t worry what others think. They’re too busy worrying about what you think to notice.
  11. It’s okay to cry.
  12. Your parents don’t always know everything.
  13. Walking for hours can be therapeutic.
  14. I cannot be perfect so I cannot be mad at myself for every little mistake.
  15. I will always love the smell of new books.
  16. You are not invincible. You will not always be healthy so take care of your body.
  17. What you learn in school is only the beginning. There are lessons that you can only learn through living.
  18. What kind of person you are is more important than the amount of money you make.
  19. You might think you’re doing the right thing but someone else might disagree.
  20. Wear sunscreen because being cooked like a lobster is NOT fun.
  21. Everyone has good qualities and bad qualities. Do their good qualities out weigh their bad?
  22. Stretch.
  23. Don’t be afraid to try new things.
  24. Most people want to initiate a conversation but don’t know how. Say “Hi” and start the conversation yourself.
  25. Invest in a good mattress and good bedding. There is nothing like a good night’s sleep.

I’d like to thank all my family and friends who gave me a wonderful birthday. 

Sunday 29 May 2011

So much in so little time

I should really write everyday. I feel that, recently in my life, so many changes can occur within such a short period of time. I promise to write more once I have finished my course that I am taking right now. But for now I should start talking about some of the changes.

On my second day of apartment hunting I found an amazing apartment. It has laundry in the building which for me is a luxury. It is close to a subway station and a very good friend of mine. Yes, I am paying more but it'll be worth it in the end. I have a month overlap from the new place and this one so I'll be able to move the majority of my things over slowly by myself and then I'll have to hire a moving company to help me with the big stuff. So I'm really happy about that.

I went to Quebec during the long weekend to visit a friend of mine's parents. It was so refreshing to see what a normal family is like. No yelling, no walking on eggshells, no drunken nights, it was wonderful. They were so loving and kind, which makes sense because this friend of mine has her head screwed on straight.

I'm still working on The Artist's Way but I am finding it hard to keep up with the tasks and do the work for my course. I have also been working out way less because of the time involved. I know this is not a good thing but I am making sure to take time out tonight to go to a yoga class. This will be my first time going to this yoga studio and my first time practicing yoga at a studio since I left Windsor two years ago. I'm really excited. I guess I'll consider it my birthday treat to myself.

I will start writing more often and then I'll be able to do into more detail. Hope all is well with everyone else. If you are having a tough time please realize it will get better. I feel like my tough time is getting better.

Here is a photo I have taken with my cell phone to help me to remember my first apartment and my experiences there.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

I have decided to move

I have come to terms that this is a time in my life of change. Some of these changes I have no control over and that is new position and location of my work. The next is my parents separating and my mom moving out of the house I grew up in and into a condo. The next issue is that my landlords want to sell the house that I live in. 

I'm getting fed up with the amount of time I have to be out of my apartment for viewings, how I have to keep it super clean and how much stress this is causing me.

I have decided that I am going to put myself back into a position of power. I am going to move and into a real building. There are many upsides to this and I have to focus on the positives.

I cannot wait till I can write about more positive stuff and show my true colours but for now this is all I've got. 

Saturday 14 May 2011

It's been many changes

It's funny how life is. Sometimes your life changes slowly, because of decisions you've made for yourself, and those are the time when you want things to change the most. Other times, you just want things to be. You like the way things were and you just wanted it to stay that way. It is at this point where without warning the tornado of life grabs you, whips you around, and places you in uncharted territory.

This is where I am right now. I will soon be starting somewhat of a new job, at a new location. I had no choice but to switch, it's part of the job for newbies. (I would like to keep my job somewhat of a secret, thank you for understanding). My landlords are looking to sell the house, of which I rent out the top floor. This could mean that I might possibly have to move out of an apartment I love.  I signed up for an online course before all of this tumult began, what a silly mistake. On top of all this I have a heavy workload in my current job.

However, I am still continuing to to work through The Artist's Way, in order to unlock my creativity, and maybe some happiness to go along with it. Through all of this I have also learned what is really important. Here are a few of those things:

  • The connections you make with people.
  • Taking care of yourself.
  • Friends and family, (the good ones, the bad ones are toxic-stay away).
  • Being happy. I have learned recently that this one isn't always easy. How foolish I was to think it was easy.
  • No one is perfect, not even you, so don't try to be.
These are just a few of the things that I am learning, I could probably go on forever...

I am two weeks away from turning twenty-five and if I look put myself in my shoes at fifteen I would have never thought life would be so hard. Mind you, I know I'm not starving or anything to that effect, but I never thought life was so hard for ordinary folk, I guess. There is also a lot I am not sharing that would make these statements more understandable. 

My main point is that I now look upon those older than me with more respect. They made it through, they may be still figuring things out - I think we'll always be - but at least they keep on going. I have no clue what the future holds for me but I must keep on moving and doing what I think is best for me. 

P.S. I am making it my duty to have more entries.